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The Act of Prayer Year B - Trinity Sunday Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Trinity Sunday Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Trinity Sunday Year B Opening prayer As we join in worship today, let us spend a moment in quietness. Listen to the noises coming from outside this building— people talking, vehicles going by and maybe an aeroplane passing overhead….
clouds and glory - All Saints Day - Year A
clouds and glory - All Saints Day - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
All Saints’ Day Year A Sunday between 30 October and 5 November Glory to you, O Lord, from the whole company of heaven, from the saints in glory, from your people on earth. Father, we give you thanks that in the darkness of this world your saints shine. May we, with them, have a …
clouds and glory - Proper 18 - Year A
clouds and glory - Proper 18 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 18 Year A Sunday between 4 and 10 September inclusive Lord, awaken us to your glory. Open our eyes to your presence. Open our ears to your call. Open our hearts to your love, that we may proclaim that you are among us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen…
clouds and glory - Proper 21 - Year A
clouds and glory - Proper 21 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 21 Year A Lord, as you came down to lift us up Help us to show compassion and sympathy to others. Give to your church a sense of service and humility. May we be obedient to you, seeking to do your will at all times, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Christmas - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Christmas - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The First Sunday of Christmas Isaiah 63.7-9: Ps. 148. [1-6] 7-14 : Hebrews 2. 10-18 : Matthew 2. 13-23 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. Father, we remember before you all who are persecuted for their faith, those imprisoned for their beliefs, Fa…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Advent - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Advent - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2:1-5, Ps.122, Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. Lord, you are ever among us. Open our eyes to your presence, that your church may be true to its mission, that each congregation …
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Second Sunday of Christmas Jeremiah 31. 7-14 : Ps. 147. 12-20 : Or: Ecclus. 24.1-12 : Canticle: Wisdom of Solomon 10. 15-21 : Ephesians 1. 3-14 : John 1. [1-9]10-18 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. Holy Father, we pray that the church may pr…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 11: 1-10, Ps. 72. 1-7 [18-19], Romans 15: 4-13, Matthew 3:1-12 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. In God's power, in his peace, in his presence, we place ourselves today. Holy God, Holy and Strong One, Holy and M…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Advent - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Advent - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 35. 1-10: Ps. 146. 5-10 : or Canticle: Magnificat: James 5.7-10 : Matthew 11. 2-11 Almighty God, who through the prophets promised that light would conquer the darkness, shine in our hearts and in our minds, and so use us that we may lead others …
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Epiphany - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Epiphany - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Third Sunday of Epiphany Isaiah 9.1-4: Ps. 27.1 [2-3]4-9: 1 Corinthians 1. 10-18: Matthew 4.12-23 Lord God, you are almighty; in your great power renew, refresh, restore us, that we may live and work to your praise and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord who is alive and rei…
The Act of Prayer Year B - Day of Pentecost - Year B